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cough cough...  lemme sing u a bday song~~~ 

杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

met betty at 6pm in TST today then we headed to eat dinner.  afta dat we went to check out some tours to Guam.  actually our main purpose today was to eat at Hagan-Dazs!!!    rebecca joined us at Hagan-Dazs.  hahaha  i ate banana split, betty ate summer time cone, rebecca ate 3 scoops of ice-cream...  wakkakakaka  oh well since i love chocolate so much, my flavours were all chocolate  (belgian chocolate + midnite chocolate + choc chips chocolate)!!!  ahahahahah  we still got lots of time aftewards so we went to da arcade...  we played photo hunt, car-rasing, and "pak pak" machine  (sigh donno what's dat things called)??  oh man...  betty was so good at car-rasing... hahahahaha  i was always behind her...  ><

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i miss my family

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OMG...  so wanna go 4 a trip!!

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i give up man...  sigh...

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so sad...  wuwuwuuwwu  ~~><~~

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wohohoho  finish watching My Girl 마이걸!!  it's so funny....  love it love it...  hahahah  lee jun ki lei jun ki lee dong wook lee dong wook... okie..it's time to calm down!!  whohohoho  ho leng jaiSSSS....  akakkaka

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杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Why things run not so smoothly at this year?? 

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hehehehe  watch a lot of dramas lately...  there're many good ones...  

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Daily Routine:

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whohohoho  completely graduated~~~!!!!!!!!  had my convocation on June 2, 2005.    hehehhe  it was a  day.

i don't wanna retype the entry so please go to www.xanga.com/choco623.  ahhahahahah  the blog isn't very detail tho... 

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wuwuuwuwuw so tired lately...  have panda eyes la... @@  sigh...  "jung charm gor jo chak~!!"  hahahah  but is okie...  is kinda fun and i can learn...  well~~  is good to gain experience...

now i sleep around 11:30pm and wake up around 7:30am everyday...  hahahha  i'm sooOo healthy~~~~  hahahaha  never act like this before... darn...  but i wanna get another one at nite i guess...  shooot 

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whew~~~~~~~~  yeah~~~~~~  classes are over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eventho i take 2 courses this sem, i only have classes on tuesday...  well...  i have a final on da 14th from 12~3pm...  awwww  but i have no mood to study since i've been soOoOOo relaxing this sem... ><' darn!!

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donno what to do... 

everything seems so rush all of a sudden...

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i saw a very special person today...  yes very very extremely special to me~  hehe

i know this guy in grade 10 SS summer school...  i'll never forget about that!  his hair style, his action, his everything...  hahahahha  he's so funny...

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