目前分類:* Wedding * (38)

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Photographer - Roy from Ocean Wedding Services:
Ranking: ****

杏仁媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Photographer - Roy from Ocean Wedding Services:
Rating: ****

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didn't sleep well coz too worried... woke up at 630am... my lovely parents bought us breakfast... at 7:30am.. my MUA arrived and started to do make up for around 2 hrs... Ocean ppl arrived at around 8am... bros arrived around 9am... tea ceremony then left Conrad at 11:45am and went to 23A for tea ceremony and got changed.. had lunch from 1:20-2:00 then went to city hall... marriage registry at 3:00pm... and a bit photo shooting near IFC... and back to King Palace............ for the rest of the nite.............. busy photo taking and changing.......... crying and touching and happy... ^^

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took a day off... went to pick up dresses at Ming's Wedding.. then back home and got my stuff for my big date to conrad..................... and "sheung tau"...

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Count Down: 4 days left

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suppose hand flowers and kum flowers already bought and settled........... then my father suddenly said need to add more for my relatives as they come back from oversea...........

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OOoOoommmmmmmmmmmgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...  time flies..........

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thanks to hobee's customers............  they volunteer to take snap-shot photos on our big day for free to improve their skills and update their profiles!!  woHohohoh  which means............ i have 4 photographers of the day!!!  omggg

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Oct 23, 2010 from 1pm - 5:45pm @ CKE mall in TST + Ga Jong Delivery

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YAY~~  95% done for the progress of giving out wedding invitation cards!!  whew~~  i'm glad that so many of you will be able to make it...

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time flies... 1 month left........... getting closer and closer to our big day!!

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A very simple and fast and not really traditional 過大禮...  hahah last around 5-10 mins...  lots of laughter i heard......  since the bride and the groom can't see each other on that day so i had to hide in my room (some people just said the 過大禮 part can't see, some people said the whole day can't see)

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  • Oct 10 Sun 2010 10:22
  • About

Welcome to my space, it's basically all about me and my wedding...

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finally rent a flat in wanchai..........  looked quite a few flats...  shau kei wan, wan chai, cwb (all hkisland~~  wohohoh)  but i prefer wan chai still........  =p  start to buy this and buy that...  clean this and clean that.....  where to put this and where to put that............  so busyyyyy and tired...  X____x  but i do enjoy the process..........    ^^

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wohOhoho  went to Admiralty at 8:45am and did the booking..  since we're #1, we're able to choose the time first and coz we chose the time we wanteddd!!  yahooo...  so lucky.. coz the #2 wanted to choose the same time as us!!  tooo  baddd...  and it's crowded there!!  at least 5 pairs...  and i heard some some pairs needed to book in the morning period...~

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few days ago...  checked the web and found out from "Online appointment booking for giving of notice of intended marriage" that our earliest day to register was Aug 6, 2010 at 8am...............  i was like.. OMG...  so lucky i checked earlier or we may not get the time we want!!!......... asked hobee to do his homework = checking the earlist day earlier...  BUT HE ALWAYS FORGOT...  Angry smile  really can't rely on him.....  sigh....  ended up i checked it myself...  poor meeee

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So nervous when I received the call on Friday...

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