wohohoho  finish watching My Girl 마이걸!!  it's so funny....  love it love it...  hahahah  lee jun ki lei jun ki lee dong wook lee dong wook...'s time to calm down!!  whohohoho  ho leng jaiSSSS....  akakkaka


official web:




Lee Jun Ki is so gurlie (esp with make up... holy crab...  prettier than a female...  ahahhaha)  ...wahhahahah  i'm serious... but he's so damn handsome and cute...!!  after i send his pic to elel, my sis, and my mom... they all say he's so gay... wuwuwuwuwu...nooooooooooo he's so cute...ahhahahahaha


hahaha  in the movie... he's like a "fa fa gung ji"...  childish perhaphs...  he's so sweet in the movie but he can't get the girl he lovez...  wuwuwuuw so sad...  when he criez, his eyes are really really red....  so real...  makez me wanna ~~~~~><~~~~~~ too... hahahaha


hmmmmm  lee dong wook is good too...  (mature type)  whohoho  but donno why i like lee jun ki better..wahahhahahaha  both of them look good...coughing... hahahahah







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