met betty at 6pm in TST today then we headed to eat dinner. afta dat we went to check out some tours to Guam. actually our main purpose today was to eat at Hagan-Dazs!!!
rebecca joined us at Hagan-Dazs. hahaha i ate banana split, betty ate summer time cone, rebecca ate 3 scoops of ice-cream... wakkakakaka oh well since i love chocolate so much, my flavours were all chocolate (belgian chocolate + midnite chocolate + choc chips chocolate)!!! ahahahahah we still got lots of time aftewards so we went to da arcade... we played photo hunt, car-rasing, and "pak pak" machine (sigh donno what's dat things called)?? oh man... betty was so good at car-rasing... hahahahaha i was always behind her... ><
