watched Inception today in Citywalk TW... a bit confusing at the beginning but getting clear......... overall it's a pretty good movie i think... how can a director think this kinda topic? geeeeeeeeeeze so in depth!!
目前分類:Uncategorized (38)
- Jul 31 Sat 2010 23:59
Inception ~*
- Apr 20 Sun 2008 16:48
Cousin Co's wedding Cont'd ~*
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 22:05
dearest mao mao~*
Happy Birthday mom, I love u!! 

- Mar 08 Sat 2008 03:59
gathering nite ~*
went to brasil restaurant in cwb for a dinner buffet with coworkers... $150/head
- Dec 09 Sun 2007 22:49
Jay's Concert ~*
whohohoho went to watch Jay's concert on Dec 8, 07 in Hung Goon with Elmo and vincent's 3 sis... hahaha they are really funny and talkative... ahhaha back to jay's concert... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm he's so talented!!!! he played piano (well... the best part... esp the challenge and secret parts in BU NENG SHUO DE MIMI), guitar, drums, gu zhen, sheung jit gwun, and danced hip hop!!! shittttt... elmo and i yelled and sang along so loud and eventually i was loosing my voice... "shi yin wei wo TAI AI NI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
) kakkakaka the atmosphere was so high!!!! he changed lots tooooooooooooo!!! i was really impressed by the way he sang without following the original melody and added new lyrics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kakkakakaka... twins were the guests.. :( noooooooooooooooooooooooo... hahahah... soooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jay u really rockz!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooOhohohohoHOho

- May 16 Tue 2006 18:01
Dangyunhaji: X-El vs X-Min~*
- May 12 Fri 2006 16:31
KangTa - Coz of U~*
wow.. tata's new song frum XMAN... luv it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much~ 

- May 11 Thu 2006 00:19
weird combination~*
omg... kangta from H.O.T & vanness from F4 gonna work together?!
- May 02 Tue 2006 22:51
Guam (April 28, 06 - May 1, 06)
- Apr 21 Fri 2006 00:26
25 million years~*
- Apr 12 Wed 2006 21:45
Dream comes true~*
i had a dream yesterday...
- Apr 09 Sun 2006 20:15
mamakaa... it'z cool~*
- Apr 06 Thu 2006 21:58
Freak Out # 1, 2, 3, 4 ~*
1) yeeee it's april only n it's so freakin hot in HK... damn... i actually sweat like crazy... >< i can't stand it no more man... so freaking hot!!! i wonder if i can survive in da summer!!!! oh NOoooOooo

- Mar 28 Tue 2006 00:03
yayayaaaa... went shopping on sunday for da whole day!!! OMG my legz were so sored n i was so freakin tired!!! hahahaha bought so many clothes, a pair of shoe, a bag and a cap. <--- oh no~ dat'z was UNUSUAL to me... hahaha dang! dat'z so heavy to carry u know... sigh >< wen i got back home i realized i still got lotz of things to buy!!!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeee wut else do i need... ummmmm i need earrings, i need bracelets, t-shirtz, dresses, shoes, OMG... gonna "big exit blood" again??? dang... $$$ fly away so fast man... wuwuuwuwuw
- Mar 17 Fri 2006 21:34
what's da difference?
how cum my frenz say i give them a different feeling wen they see my recent pix on msn???
- Mar 16 Thu 2006 15:03
I m so UNIQUE~ haha