To my lovely Lulu...
Thx for dropping me a testi babe~ ^3^ and there are 2 things i wanna argue with ya...
1. yeah.. Kang Ta is da best!!! He can sing, he can dance, he is lovely, he is cute, he is handsome, he is perfect... wohoho so no need to surprise...
2. about the pants, diff ppl have diff taste ge....... hahahahahaha see ur taste and my taste are diff... u see?!
so the 2 points u list are rejected...!! hahahahahaha
wuwuwu i miss u too... is ur v-day day lonely?????? hmmmm i wonder... this guy and that guy and... bla bla bla... so many guys around u so no worriez... ahhahahahahah ur "to fa" is so "wong" as usual... |