Nov 17, 07
met up with coworkers in Shatin around 12:30pm then headed to cycling. oh noo.. hahhaha my hand was hurt (a bit.. just like paper cut) when i tried to hold on da bike when it fell.. darn i should just let it fell off da ground.. >< hahahha n two girls fell off from their bikes (of coz more serious than my situation).. cough cough due to disturbances of tired, hungry, thirsty, injuries, we stopped a lot as a result we didn't go too far this time.. -________-
after cycling we went to "Sun Keung Gei" in Shatin for dinna instead of bbq n dessert "Jui Miu Miu" in MK.
[mood: excited / happy]
Nov 18, 07
met up hobee in admiralty after his bro wedding ceremony, walked a bit, shared a mushroom burger combo in TripleO, walked a bit, went to Tsuen Wan coz hobee wanna vote for election n made an appt with da dentist coz he has a decayed tooth
, walked a bit, watched "Lions for Lambs", ate a bit, backed home... lalala~ 

[mood: legs ain't belong to meee]
Nov 20, 07
while i was in da bus on da way to work, there's a guy at da back kept kickin my chair coz he's aljsdlfjalksjd shaking his legs!!! c'mon i dun wanna massage my back by u geeze... omg dat's pretty annoying n distracting... so i decided to change seat... PLZ BEHAVE URSELF!! u're affecting others!!!
[mood: annoyed
