Nov 20, 2011 - 結婚1周年 (紙婚)~ 去博洛尼亞 BO-LO’GNE Café & Bar食brunch, 之後去西九打算坐hot air balloon點知大風無開... /___\ 去左cycling @ $100 per hour... 之後去左食italian food
我懷疑當時已有左bb Avan...
Nov 20, 2012 - 結婚2周年 (布婚)~ 同老公去咗Piccolo Pizzeria & Bar。冇帶Avan去,第佢大D先一齊celebrate~ 返屋企補番一張全家幅... 食飽飽趕快飛返屋企.... 超級掛住Avan...
Nov 20, 2013 - 結婚3周年 (皮婚)~ 成日去左discovery bay... 估唔到去到成日...
其實住係discovery bay 都唔錯既... 空氣好... 環境好... 好舒服... ~ ^^
出發~~~ 坐船船
一影相就申脷.... /___\
a normal family pic finally...
not much people there on a weekday morning... ^^
the playground is very nice... surrounded by sand!!
walked to PCC to have a drink and relax...
Avan still can't walk by himself @ 14th months...
small baby on a big sofa~
Matcha Latte
cold mocha for me~
table cleaner... should help me out at home instead of outside! ahaha
took free shuttle from the pier to DB North Point shopping centre.... nothing to walk there... -________-
eat again...
walked from shopping mall to the central park took us around 10-15 minutes...
why are we looking for playground again?!!?!??! hahhaha
this playground got so many kids to play there when we arrived because it's afternoon..
there's some for 1+ year to play... like the car...
the slides are still too big for avan to play...
dinner at Korean restaurant...
got a free ferry ride if eat at destinated restaurant for HKD$120 per head... i think this offer for weekday only..
we ordered a set dinner + a main course = $250...
pretty good and not expensive...
set dinner @ HKD$138:
- 3 dishes of appetizers
- 1 main course + rice
- 1 soup
- 1 dessert
1st pic for x'mas lighting!
leaving DB...
zzzzzzzzzz finally... he didn't sleep for the whole day!!
can see firework on our way back home!
can't believe we can stay an afternoon there!!
actually quite a nice and quiet place...
at last... happy 3 years wedding anniversary!!!