omg...  kangta from H.O.T & vanness from F4 gonna work together?! 


imagine a korean & a taiwanese form a group...  r they gonna sing alien language?????  oh god...  i wonda how dey communicate...  kakakakak 


kangta can read romanization of chinese.  dere's 2 mandarin songs in tata's 3rd album in fact both chinese songs r great.  thus tata's pronounciation is amazingly great!!!  lol...  sumhow i believe he doesn't noe the meaning but just read n memorize da romanization.  (NOTE*  tata is so mult-talented...  wohoho he sings, he dances, he acts, he composes, he plays piano, he plays drum, he's cute, he eats, he sleeps,...  hahahahahaha oops)


how da heck can they form a group?  such a weird combo...  sigh...  since kangta is so perfect...  hahahahhaha  vanness is not good enough to be his partner...  shit...  they dun match!!!  well i should say vanness doesn't match my lovely tata....  wohohoho...  they gonna publish how many cds?????  dun tell me 1 den dat's it...  oh boy...


i heard their new song...  oh gosh...  their style so WILD...  *faint*  i onli fall on and focuz on my tata only... 



***no offense to fans of vanness...  juss my lil opinion***

    創作者 杏仁媽咪 的頭像


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