The second last class since Ms Carmen left...
we went to the other room which was smaller... with the new teacher...
avan seems not willing to step into the classroom.... hahhaha maybe everything is strange and new to him...
afterawhile he's ok to step in... then back to normal... hahahaha
* Warm up + bye bye toys....
* Hello Song:
* What's the weather like today + Calendar
* Where is Avan?
* Drum Time...
* Exercise... go around the circle when music begins... when music stop, sit down on the nearby mat mat... avan got very excited! hahaha
* Snack Time
* Throw balls to the goal - very simple to Avan~ hahahah he fully utilized both hands! ahhaha
* Goodbye + bubble time
10th classes
Learning opposite today: Up and Down / Big and Small
* put the big and small balls inside the parasuit and find the big balls... eventually avan throw up all kinds of balls... ahhahaha and he's already sooo excited to get inisde the parasuit...
don't know why... he loves to climb/up below the table that day...
* Learning up and down.
* a box with flower, block, car, ball... and put the said object up/down the chair -- obviously mission failed...
we will stop CPDA sessions from now on...
CPDA Wan Chai is very good and we have lots of fun memory..
teacher, assistant, staffs are good..
avan learn a lot from CPDA
we stop just that we want avan to take a break before N class begins in September...
it's a long journey....