Topic of today: Yellow
* Warm up + bye bye toys....
Avan is starting to playing with the others!! he gives the ball to the classmate~~ good start!!
* Hello Song:
* What's the weather like today + Calendar
* Where is Avan? He will listen for his name now... receive and push the ball back to Ms Carmen~ goood job! won't rust to the ball like before...
* Drum time
* Story time: What would Monkey like for birthday?
* Find yellow flower/ball/cup in the pool area and give it to Ms Carmen --> need our help... he just picks whatever he likes... whahahha
* use the spoon to pick the yellow ball from the water bucket and drop it into the bucket.. --> playing water instead... XDXD
*Snack Time~ we're eating cake today~ <from Monkey... thanks monkey!!! XD>
* Exercise time - totally let Avan doing himself... he can do a great job... keep repeating!! good!
Oh noooooooooooooooo..
bad newwwwwwwwwsssssssss
it's Ms Carmen last dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :(
Avan graduates 3 times from CPDA... he improves lots!!
the third report card... get the best result ever!!! i am soooo pleaseddddddddddd
Thank you for your effort... Avan really learning lots from your class... he enjoy very much!!
all the best to you!
good bye...