見咁多人睇黃建新醫生... 我一早就book佢睇4D... heheheh 果然好好.... 好細心&explain in details!!! 我有第二胎會搵佢!!!! 但佢真係好好好好好細聲... 好彩我貼近佢 =p...
約左10:30am, 11:00am入去... 照左都幾耐...
王帝仔 is 28W5D / 3.5lbs... heavy b wor~~ @.@ dr wong asked me not to eat too much sweets and cakes and stuff.. but i didn't already... wuwuwuuw
第一次照, 我覺得王帝仔好合作, 見到佢個樣... 但dr wong 話佢個頭貼住我個肚... 照唔到, 叫我出去坐一陣...
一坐就兩個鐘.... 企下行下坐下tum下王帝仔... 再入去照過... 大概1:00pm
搞點~~ dr wong仲話佢好乖~
又了鼻又stick his tongue out <- 咁都乖?? dr wong 話好小bb會伸利, 仲要咁鬼長....
仲開左眼0.05 sec tim!! kekekeke 開心晒~~
4D: Total HKD 900, with a dvd, photos (hard and soft copies), and a report!!!
普通產檢都係HKD 500..~
glad it is not around his neck...~
that's... look like my hubby!! whahahahah
怕羞仔... 唔好照我... 好"chan"眼呀~~~
Long tongue!!! 白厭仔~~~~~~~~~~