wuwuwuuw 4D3N family trip is over.... T___________T
came back from Taipei...
back to reality...
back to work today.... wuwuwuuw
although it's raining throughout our stay in Taipei, we had a lot of fun!
why? coz is a trip... no need to work~ just enjoy, eat, play, and had fun!!
Thanks my family for the help and reduce our "tireness"~ ahhahaha
back HK at 10:15pm... arrived home at 11:00pm...
unpacked... washed 1st round clothes... showered......... etc etc...
slept at 1:00am...
*aiii~ forgot to take away the scissor (for baby food) in my backpack during custom check... they took it away and noted it down in record............ will i be black-listed????????? wuuwuwuwu*
next trip in June 18, 2014!! which is.... less than a week!!
very crazy..