Wan Chai -> Kowloon Tong -> Wan Chai -> Kowloon Tong -> TST -> Wan Chai
geeze....... arrived Kowloon Tong and on our way to 羅浮宮, stupid hobee said "let me look at the address first... search ha search ha.. he said he couldn't find the coupon!!!!" i was like... u kidding me!??! then i searched his bag and really couldn't find the coupon!!!!!!!! he said maybe left it at my house coz he may put the coupon somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!! !@#$%^&*()*&^%$#@$%^&*( 

then i was like.. WHAT?!?! I TOLD U TO KEEP IT TOGETHER WITH THE RESTAURANT RECEIPT THEN U WON'T FORGET LA....!!! WHY U TOOK IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [need to present the coupon and the restaurant receipt for booking] geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezee.. it was around 3:30pm then i was like "dim ah............... should we go back home to get it?????????????" stupid hobee said "yes..." then i said "then come back to kowloon Tong again?!" and he said "yes........" GREAT... then went back home and the coupon was found in the plastic bag given during wedding expo.......... i was like "dim arrrrrrrrrrr why u put it there!!! i was gonna throw away this bag yesterday coz i got too many catalogues!!!" so lucky i didn't!!!!!!!!!!! my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then went back to 羅浮宮 at Kowloon Tong............. and it's 4:30pm... geezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... the lady said earliest booking will be on February... gosh... wondering if we don't come back to 羅浮宮 today, probably we couldn't even book and waste the coupon!!!

I should be the keeper for all the valuables from now on!!!!!!!!!!
Fitting: Jan 15, 2010 @ 3:30pm
Pre-Wedding Phot shooting: Feb 26, 2010 @ 1:00pm (for 6 hours)
Due to coupon restriction, it doesn't apply during weekends + public hoidays (of coz.. pay HKD 500 if you really wanna) sucks... also the photos won't be photoshop! sucks x 2... unless we upgrade our package...
Coupon Package as below (worth HKD 4,188): All in-door
Wedding gowns for Bride x 2
Wedding gowns for Groom x 1
Make up for Bride x 1 time
Hair styling x 2
16" x 20" pic x 1
8" x 10" pic x 2
5" x 7" pic x 2
4" x 5" pic x 10
take about 40+ pics and choose 12 pics (CDR not included)
Then we look at the albums again... hahahah hobee said he saw a pic for Andy Lau and Michelle Lee 10 yrs ago at the bar... 10 yrs later the bar is still here!! what the........ hahahahha and he said.. so bored.. the scenes... i saw it all from my friends/colleagues' albums... so probably we won't upgrade the package... just go out and buy the frames instead...
Again, the album is 1 page 1 pic... if you wanna add effect? add money...
wish to take outdoor? add money
no money no talk~