Nov 30, 09 - 銀包大出血 Day
Really look forward to our photos...
Woke up around 11:00am then went to 地下街 searching for food before we went to Francestar. Passed by 焗工坊 and saw so many ppl there, so we gave that a try. After lunch, walked around and bought some stuffs for my mom~ hehehe
*Those travel books are not reliable coz ppl paid for advertisment! Local taiwanese people told us, whenver u see a long line up, food will be good! which is so true and we followed that concept throughout the trip! kakaka*
Arrived Francestar at 1:15pm and Manager See + Tsui Sir already there waiting for us! hahahha ok... started to browse and choose our pics.... Woah, we both like the ones we took in the club house & Lava Rock~ the rest are ok... but the red bridge scenes (our first stop), probably it's too early in the morning and i wasn't ready, i looked weird... hahaha overall, we like our pics so much! hehehehe..
Then Mananger See discussed the package with us... sigh... of coz over budget again!! oh man, upgraded both albums to 18" PVC!
18" - 66 pictures
18" - 30 pictures
20 pictures in CDR
Altogether 116 pictures
Chose pics from 1:30pm - 7:00pm... omg... longer than what i expected so i had no time to buy souvenirs... wuuwuwuw
For dinner, hobee wanna eat 麻辣火鍋. Manager See suggested 馬辣 & 天外天, but 馬辣 is more popular and both need to book. Therefore he booked 馬辣 and wrote the address for us! so nice!! he also said, next time if u guys gonna wedding expo again, call me and i'll give u guys the passes!! omg... super super nice ne... thanks in advanced~
Then went to 馬辣 @ Ximen.
NT 505 per head all you can eat
beef, pork, lamb, seafood, veggi, mushrooms, balls (better than the balls in HK~ i think), hagan daz icecream with cones, bottle drinks!!!!

so full... was gonna grab a cup of bbtea after hot pot... coz didn't have a chance to drink so far!! but still......... too full.... really can't stuck a cup of bbtea in my tummy~~ Orz