still remember da x'mas 1 yr ago... we went out to take x'mas lightings all over da places... snapped snapped snapped, shot shot shot.
then ate buffet in Shenzhen for our x'mas dinner~
our x'mas gifts were 2 pairs of puma. hehehhe
boxing day AKA hobee's bday... i lied to him that i was still sleeping @ home eventually i was on da way to his house with da bday cake... and rang his doorbell - a surprise! hehehe went to Lamma Island for a walk and then rushed back to Central for dinner as i reserved a table @ Gingko House.
his bday gift was a burberry phone strap.
last yr is just like yesterday to me.
time flies............................. this yr our 3rd x'mas + ur bday coming up!! hehe 
