finally...........  pack up COMPLETED!!!  *headache*  hahahahha  but still afraid that i forget to pack some minor stuffs...  darn...  hahahhaha *lor lor luen*


sigh..  checked weather broadcast continuously....  the same... cloudy and rainy...  just like my mood!!!  sighhhhhhhh  破碎的心  hopefully will change...  "tin gung jo mei" la....



I'm leaving shortly!!!!!!!!!!!  woHohowhohohooh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  開懷大笑 

My dear friends & family, don't miss me tooooo much!  hahahahahhahaha  I will see if i can access internet in Taiwan.........  kekekekkeke  at first i threaten hobee NOT TO BRING LAPTOP, or else i will kick him out of the room and ingore him for the whole trip....   hahhaha  coz he will just work and ingore me... ><  then think ha think ha...  suen la...  let him bring, so i can steal his laptop to do my personal stuff!!!  hahahaha  most important is we need to do e-check in ga ma!  ahhahahahhaha  *devil laughs*


bye bye~~~~~~~~~~  ^3^


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