我無報任何私校, 只靠大抽獎.......
唔使煩統一派位~ 咩叩門, 求位信, 1-1-1, interview, porforlio... etc etc... 小學je.... 唉....
我無幫佢選擇咩名校...... 只係想近屋企....
我知屋企屬於名校網..... 無咩happy school...
所以幫佢選擇左一間近屋企... 比較less competitive既學校...
everyone is asking me why don't you choose this or that school (famous ones), no one understand my son more than myself. Who will take care of his school stuffs? Is us at the end...... we do need to consider his feeling as well. Yes I know I can't judge at this moment, at least I know "famous" school don't fit him....
I just want him to enjoy his school life.... Too much sad news recently about students.. like each daily................
Yes I don't know if that's a happy school or not as I never study in that school before, just hope I have made a good decision. At least he is willing to share his happiness and moments with me.
I prefer he's doing average in a "not so famous school" rather than he's doing poor in a famous school and get kick out... that's my conclusion.