hiked from Yau Tong -> Tseng Lan Shue from 2:00pm to 5:30pm 

met hobee @ yau tong first and ate fairwood before we hiked... hahahah i scared hobee gonna threw up again so asked him not to eat baked pork chop rice
... and we bought 2 bottles of water before our journey~

so funny as we began our journey there's a couple ahead of us... then we bumped into them in a 2-way intersections coz we had to look at da hiking book to decide which way to go but they walked back... then that guy said... "r u guys going to Lam Tin"? then we said yaaa... and they said... "go dat way. da hiking book u had didn't provide much info... " hahahahahhaha and hobee said "u got da same book?" then that guy said "yes... useless! we gotta figured ourselves!!" hahahahahhah what a coincident 

so lucky there's *hints* as we walked. a nice person marked down arrows on da ground everywhere to lead da way! hahahahha we were so happy as we saw da arrows as we hiked which meant we didn't go the other way around! arrows lead our way and save our lives!! hahahahhaha omg... then we saw that couple again!! hahah that guy said "aii.. trust this guy (who wrote da route in da hiking book) 1 time dou sei... not much info and his wording sux!" and we laughed... later hobee said "only a few pics... details not enough... didn't mention which way to go on a 3-way intersections!!" hahahahhahaha
of coz at last we finished our trail... geeze... so hot and i sweated like crazy and became a o-ko-po-ko... kakakakka now my legs aren't belong to me... gam fei gam fei~~~
the difficulty for this trail = 
