i was so bored at work... so i looked back @ my xanga blog which i stopped writing on Aug 06...... hahahhaa pretty funny to look back my *dairy* - what did i do what did i write what did i think where did i go - obviously time couldn't go back but those memories did exist and things have changed a lot........
below was one of da survey i did, wondering if there's any changes if i do it rite now... hahahha
Nov 10, 04
a little survey~~
-Single or taken -- taken
-Sex -- Female
-Birthday -- June 23
-Astrological sign -- Cancer
-Siblings -- a younger sista but she lookz older
-Hair color -- black
-Shoe size -- dependz
-Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend -- yup
-Do you have a crush on someone -- duh
-Will u send this to your crush -- nah he'z too lazy to do it
-Did your crush send this to you -- nah
-Dating someone older/younger -- of coz older but no need for now
-Where is your favorite place to shop -- mallz
-Your fashion is cool -- hmmm how do i know?
-What do you have pierced -- earz
-What do you have tattooed -- none
-Do you do drugs -- go away devil
-What kind of shampoo do you use -- head & shoulder?!
-Would you ever meet someone on net -- yeah
-TVs in your house -- 3
-Are you being asked out now -- nah i'm lonely ><
-Where do you want to get married -- never fink about it
-Colours -- purple
-Favourite movie -- lotz
-Favourite Fast Food -- haven't eat for decadez (too fat)
-Boy's name -- what?
-Girl's name -- what what??
-Subject(s) -- huh???
-Animals -- no petz
-alien -- ET?
-Comic -- manga onli
-Game(s) -- curly curly~~ wakakaka
-Given someone a bath -- nah
-Bungee jumped -- oOoo never
-Broken the law -- nope
-Run from the cops -- nope
-Made yourself throw up -- nope
-Gone skinny dipping -- nope
-Ever been in love -- yeah
-Red -- m&m, cherriez, blood... ewww
-Cow -- 18 floor's cow...
-Socks -- stink
-Do you like filling these out -- sometimez