wakakkaka... gonna write something down to reserve a blog for my bday - June 23!!! how wonderful... only once a yr... yohooooo look up at da date!!
oh shit i'm not 23 anymore... >< eventho is 9 hrz past my 23rd yrs old already.. -_________-
anywayz had dessert buffet @ Cova yesterday with betty... so freaking full... wakkakakaka... btw thank u for the presentS~ hahahhahahaha love it so much baby ^^
wow... got so many phone calls yesterday... so happi.. *touching*
have a wonderful, happiest, bestest bday ever!!
i got flowers from my bestest lulu when i was at work in da office!! how did u get my office add??? wakakakkaka she's da best!! always love u.. ~_______~ then i got 2 bday cakes from my coworkers... *touching* they sang me a bday song... wuwuwuwuwuuw so wanna cry ~~><~~ but i didn't... hahahahaha coz i was so happy dat i couldn't cry.. heheheheh then we went to sing k afterwardz... i got another bday cake in there... holy crab.. never had 3 bday cakes in my life... ate so many cakes...
wakkakakaka also i got a very special present from my lovely coworkers - 24 kinder eggz + 1 box of godiva choco... *drools* DARN I'M SO FREAKING FAT NOW!!! ATE A LOT IN MY BDAY WEEK... whahahahhahaha but hey.. THANK YOU SO MUCH... U GUYS ARE DA BEST!!! SO HAPPY TO GET A CHANCE TO WORK HERE AND KNOW U ALL~~~ 

some pics r kinda dark n blurry coz they're taken in da k-room from my cell so they r hard to see... damn should turn on da light!!! but oh well still love them~~ ^3^