May 18/25, 2020 - Vanpac HK收好箱後 (我們總共有25箱... 斷-捨-離真係好難...)
June 15, 2020 - 收到Vanpac HK既email/電話, 話shipment將會在June 22-29到Vancouver Port... 問我地O唔OK... of course OK~~~ 真係好快
我們亦於June 16, 2020 - 收到A Plus (Vanpac's partner in Vancouver)既Pre-alert Shipment email... basically saying our shipment from HK will arrive at Vancouver Port on June 29, 2020... Once shipment is physically ready, will contact us to go for customer clearnace and delivery procedure...
July 3, 2020 - 再收到A Plus既清關email confirmation
- The Advice Notes (Long Room & Customs Delivery Authority copies) - require to print (可找朋友幫忙/A Plus亦主動話可以幫我地印)
- Address for clearance in Main Street
- Clearance procedure for reference
- List of questions that custom may ask
July 6, 2020馬上去CBSA辦清關手續, 因為用我老公(new immigrant)的名字, 只需帶以下文件:
1)抵達溫哥華機場入境當日已蓋印的BSF186 Form連同Goods to follow+inventory list
2)HK SAR passport
4)Long Room + Customs Delivery Authority Copy: Long Room海關會收走, Customs Delivery Authority Copy海關蓋印後會俾返我哋... 叫我哋交返俾A Plus (我地即日email返呢份蓋印既Customs Delivery Authority Copy + Coronavirus questionaire比A Plus安排送貨... 同日已收到電郵確認安排July 8, 2020送貨!!)
我們先去A Plus拿print out, 11:00am左右到CBSA...
其實A Plus職員一早都俾咗唔少tips, 所以都有少少心理準備...
因為近排疫情, 個部門冇Reception, 反而係著晒制服既Officer直接坐咗去Receptionist個玻璃Counter位, 即時辦理手續
唔駛排隊, 只可以一人進入... 當然係我老公因為用佢名~ hahaha (好擔心佢聽唔明/答錯 XD)
officer好好人... very casual, 好快係Customs Delivery Authority Copy蓋印然後走得... 唔駛五分鐘...

前後只須一個月左右, pretty quick~
但係A Plus話有3箱因為潮濕... 箱濕但已經乾哂... hope is ok~
之後去Main Street食好西~~ hahahah

Conclusion: so far the process is quite smooth and fast... very good experience
Vanpac - price is not expensive... 25 boxes cost around HKD 13K... 送箱收箱D人好nice... back office lady is responsive and quick..
A Plus - lady is very helpful... very responsive as well
***參考之前Vanapc post***