Due to COVID-19, both SIN & MSP can be done online.... goooood 我就係14日quarantine時好得閒做... but very time consuming... 因我要4做個人... scan all the required documents ready and handy x 4.... 人都癲 Orz...
1) SIN will take around 7-10 business day
注意: 如你離開多過5年, SIN可能"dormant" flag in file... 我就係咁... 收到封信話唔approved
於是我打去問... 佢話我個SIN is flagged as dormant... will send a questionaire to me and fill...
the questionaire is very simple, just a few questions...
"According to a Service Canada Representative, it may be that case that your SIN has a "dormant" flag in your file. In these cases, you can still use your SIN number however, you cannot use it for the online services.
They stated that SIN numbers may be flagged as dormant when there is no activity recorded with the number for more than 5 years.
In order to re-activate it, they suggested that you go into the nearest Service Canada office and complete a questionnaire from the SIN Registry that they will provide.
You will be asked to present some identification such as a Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Citizenship Card/Certificate, PR Card etc.
You may want to also contact Service Canada - (Social Insurance Number line) directly to verify this information and for some information on this your situation.
It is important that you contact Service Canada directly for instructions on how to re-activate your dormant SIN at:
1-800-206-7218 (select option "3").
Agents are available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (local time), except statutory holidays.
If you are calling from outside Canada, the number is 506-548-7961 (long distance charges apply), from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Atlantic time).
If you have a hearing or speech impairment and use a teletypewriter (TTY), please call 1-800-926-9105"
我先生就好快有SIN #
依家係一張紙有個SIN #
我2位小朋友可能register歸於我.... 所以要等但係佢地個SIN係已經approved
2) MSP will take 21 days to process... 因為COVID-19, 免咗3個月等待期... I applied MSP online on June 12, 2020 and received mail on July 3, 2020 which was really around 21 days... bring the letter to ICBC to complete the registration process and take photo for BC service card. It's not called Care Card anymore but BC Service Card.
my advise is to buy around 1 month insurance here in Canada... just in case there's any emergency, you still have coverage during waiting for the MSP to be effective