i am sooo pissed!!!!
hubby got drunk totally yesterday...
asked him not to shower.... he's not listening!!! i really afraid he gonna fell inside the washroom!!!
pushed him to sleep.... he came out again!!!
threw up everywhere... over the bed... all over the washroom.....
asked him not to clean up... he's not listening again!!!
whatever!!! i really didn't have the energy to talk to him....
avan sensed something went wrong and he's being a good boy... sitting still....
tried to put avan to sleep coz is almost 12am... avan was smart... he pointed at the bedsheet and i realized it's dirty... so i changed and washed the bedsheet............ stupid hubby tried to hug avan and he cried.... why? coz he's so stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i asked hubby to leave avan alone!!!!!! finally put avan alseep...
hubby came in and i placed a garbage can beside him and asked him to throw in the garbage can.... suddenly i felt he's gonna threw up again and quickly brought the garbage can over and he freaking pushed it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i insisted to stick his head to the garbage can... still he threw it all over the bed and even on avan's pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am glad that avan wasn't slept beside him!!!!
i really wanna screamed and knocked him down!!! he's totall messing everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had to change the bedsheet again!!! and washed the dirty bedsheets and pillows and pillow cases...........
i pushed hubby to calm down in the living room meanwhile hugging the garbage can.... he then held the pillow... i took it away from him and ask him not to hold the pillow in case he threw up again... i really got no energy to mess with him as it's around 1am!!!!
i really should have locked him outside!!!!
so i went back to sleep... he walked in 5 minutes later and i went out to see what's happened... he put the garbage can inside the garbage can and i found the pillow case inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why the heck he threw away the pillow case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had to wash it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i washed two bed sheets, avan's pillows and case, pillow case....
really pissed and on fire and extremely tired!!!!!!!!!!!!
why he drank so many????????? we still need to work today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is drunk that fun??????????????????? throw up is fun??????????????????????????????? or playing me is fun??????????????????????????????????!!!!
totally shit face him this morning.... and yelled at him when the atmosphere is still there...
end of complaining!!!