
Venue: 3rd Floor, Centre, Point, 181-185 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai

Time: 2pm - 2:45pm English Session

Topic: Kindyroo Turtles (8th - 14th months)



Seriously... Spring is really good....... but it's a bit out budget...

i love their play area at the waiting area... very nicely done and new~  there's a tree house with pillows, a swing, mini area with unique design for playing/resting, eat area, etc ...



- sing hello song

- play musical instrument 

- play ball

- play bus with a card "bus"

- monkey dance (swing around)

- turn bb upside down

- play cart: turning and swing back and forth... (learn balance)

- bubble gun

- go out for little gym (tunnel, slide, see-saw, balloon...) -> very interesting and nice!

- sing good bye song


the instructor is very nice and interactive too... he did build a good relations with bbs...  too bad is his last lesson........ 

at the end... the customer service showed us the whole learning centre...  too bad i already joined CPDA...

service is great too...

hopefully Avan can join in the future...


the swing, treehouse, see-saw, and slide are made of wood... very natural and nice~  the whole learning centre looks great, clean, and new! that's very important...


overall it is quite good!


Refer to my earlier post regarding Playgroups


First Little Steps<>

    playgroup spring

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