i always wanna be ftm...
but the reality is cruel............
economy and inflation dont allow me to do so...
plus i have a lovely bb now! hahaha
加上以我老公一個人既人工絕對養唔起我地一家三口 i believe...
重有家用給我家和老公家.......... 租樓錢.... 水電煤... click-clark野
that's why is impossible for me to be a ftm
多了一個仔仔... 錢用多左... 錢亦去得快做左
唔可以話比到最好既野比佢.... try my best to provide what i have to him... is what i can do...
我常常問我老公: "我幾時可以做少奶奶"?
老公答: "當我做左少爺爺, 你咪可以囉~"
星期一至五.. 放工返到屋企.. 已經好tired.. 無可能做到家務..
通常星期六.日先做.... 但family day... 想出街多過留係屋企....
結果返到屋企先做家務... tired到趴係到...
從那時開始決定請鐘點..... 原因... 老公唔中意工人...
但如果有兩個小朋友的話... 一定要請工人....
老公竟然同我講: 你做ftm囉~ 你唔係好想架咩?
我呆左... that moment... 雖然係我期待既答案...
但我唔想................. hahahah
心諗... 湊兩個... 又要做家務... 買送... 煮飯........ 咪做到癡線?????????
即刻答: 請工人... at least we both have a job... can afford a helper... instead of depending on one salary to raise the whole family! hahahaha
when i can be a ftm... i couldn't believe i step backward.... ! =. =
老公話: 請工人唔係想得咁簡單... 屋要大d... 又要買張床... 櫃比佢放野...... 多個陌生人係屋企行黎行去又唔方便........... maybe i am too simple minded...
ftm... 會同世界脫節......... 需要用老公錢.... 但會唔會受佢氣????? 佢出去搞3搞4點算? hahahhaha
so far... Avan will go to grandparent's house weekdays then we will pick him up after work... so is not neccessary to hire a maid at this moment.. but in case we do have 2 kids in the future, really can't depend on my parents coz........
1) is not their responsibilities and i am glad that they can take care of Avan.
2) two is too much for them coz they give up their free/activity time to look after Avan...
which i really appreciate........... thank you and love you my parents!!!