woHohohoho so happy and touchy!!!!!!!!!!! Avan just called "mama.. mama"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hubby heard it too!! and he said it's only an coincidient... kakkaka he's basically jealous!!!
今日整左菜心瘦肉粥粥.. Avan食左小小... 開始喊...... 再爆喊... and then叫媽媽 媽媽 + 伸手要我抱抱!! awwwwwwwwwwwwww and then 比水水佢飲... 好小小... 再喂過... 點知都唔得... 要開奶奶... 飲飲下訓埋............... zzzz now sleeping on our bed... ahhaha
Avan really doesn't like 菜心!!!
this is the evidence that he doesnt like the porridge and drink milk milk instead!!
Also the first and happiest time that avan called mama and popo!! (≧∇≦)
Afterward sleep like a piggy...