Ref: Yahoo News
China VS Denmark:
Mix Double: 徐晨及馬晉 VS 尼爾森及彼德森 (21:14 - 21:14)
Men's Single: 林丹 VS 蓋德 (21:16 - 21:11)
Men's Double: 蔡贇與傅海峰 VS 摩根申與拉斯姆申 (21:17 - 21:)
i was pissed when listening to cantonese narrators!! too much words and so non-sense...!!! just wanna say.. "shush" to them... all prediction and said whatever they like with no skills at all.... then i switched to english narrators.......... WAY BETTER!!
plus... i didn't know there's yellow warning card in a badminton tournament!! wohohoho.. first time i saw it... for the match in Men's single... yellow card given to Gade... lol coz he had too many complaints... hahahah
men's double was much more excited... more smashes and quick moves... and china team chase back up for 2 games!! GOOD GAME!!!
@ Mix Double~ whahahha.. aaron kwok was there playing badminton!!! woHohohohoh j/k j/k