packed lunch boxes these days... always onion pork chop, onion chicken, pork... onion pork chop, onion chicken, pork... onion pork chop, onion chicken, pork... maybe getting bored? then couldn't finish the lunch box.. sometimes... when there's a bad smell for the pork chop... maybe is the fridge problem.. caused me sick.. ahhahaha
then i told my mom... saying... i getting bored to eat pork and chicken la... maybe too many meat...? but i love meat!! that's the point.... i request more veggi... or more liquid dishes will do........... hahahaha then my mom said "what u want? u request la.." so i request, tofu la.. egg la.. veggi... i dun wanna eat meat lately... beef is ok... hahahah
then.. my mom packed me some tofu, veggi, raddish, fried fish cake!! woooo much better.. today i can finish the lunch box today... ahhahahahha
my mom said "i donno how to cook ma.. except these..." then i said.. nonon.. just dun always make onion pork chop will do la.. ahhahaha