
left office around 6:15pm and called my husband to go to my house and drank some 5 fa cha first (coz my mom asked us to before they went to china).... he's at home already...  and asked me to leave asap...  thinking if he's gonna give me any surprise...  so we went back to my house and drank 5 fa cha.. then went back to OUR home and started cooking...

menu for tonite:

salad: apple+potato+egg+corn (me)

alaska king crab (husband)

angus beef steak (husband)


at the end, of coz no surprise...  no gift no flowers no everything.... wuuwuwuwu...  well i didn't give him any too... hahahhaa

recalled from my memory, he gave me flowers for 1st time and ONE tiny flower for 2nd time... then no more.......... aiiii  first v-day after married with no surprise........... i can forsee my future v-day....  eat home....  that's it...  wuwuuwuwuw 

    創作者 杏仁媽咪 的頭像


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