Jan 1, 2010
finally got the email from Francestar on Dec 31, 2009... 1 day delayed but it's okieee...
after our afternoon tea, our task today was to add comments on the edited photos!! hahaha had our own break during the process... coz toooo tired............ muahahhahaha
actually they did a good job for editing part... reasonable and not fake... so we went through the pics one by one and checked what had to change/edit/remove... hahahaha... tough job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 96 pics.... make my arms MORE thinner, remove people, add/change more colors, etc etc... hopefully they can do our requestsssssssssssssssss and i seriously do think WE ARE REALLY KIND AND NICE TO THEM... hahahaha our requests are not that HARSH... i saw some ppl were like yelling and complaining about can't fixing this and that (i.e. making their boobs bigger by pushing their meat from tummy?!?!).... bla bla bla.............................. my gut...... 

hobee was pretty satisfied about it... kept saying "no need to change la... natural di ma.. bla bla bla..." AND being nice too!! i said "how about do this?" he said "no... i don't think they can do it... so fake and so hard... mission impossible!!!" then i said "how'd u know when u didn't even try to ask!??! if they can't, then fine!!" hahahaha.. geeezeeeeeeeeeeeeee... just try to see if they can do it je ma... if not... it's OK... sigh...
looking forward to our 2nd edited photos.... 
