Yes, we went there again... again and again... hahahaha coz this time we received invitation by mail for free!!! plus we still have to check out packages for wines, wedding + evening gowns, body check, wedding rings, etc etc... Most important was to visit Tsui Sir and Manager See as promised~ kakakakakka
Visited Francestar's booth and saw Manager See! hahaha chatted for awhile then Tsui Sir spotted us and said HI to us... woahhhh he remembered me!!! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww he said "u're yee man rite? i posted your pics in my blog~~~" awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so sweeeeeeeeet~
kekekekke... hahaha then Manager see said "hao er xin ohhh... ni jiao ta yee man~~~" hahahahahhahahahaha then Sandy gave us a wave and we chatted for awhile again! hahahahha she introduced us lots of good food in tw!! then we saw Monica!! hahahahahha she's so pretty with make up!! (even my sis and my mom said she's pretty!!) then hobee said "you being the model today!??!" hahahahhahahaha they're really sooOoo nice and friendly even after sales service!!! my gosh............... then didn't wanna bother them so we continued with our business...

Then we went to look at the local pre-wedding photos packages... just to compare... hhahahaha
Seriously, we both won't regret for taking pics at taiwan after looking at the local albums... even a bit out budget... oops~
1) Scenes: studio, boat, beach, central for night scene, Ma Wan, Noah's Ark, Pak Lai Wan... errr... not really interested
2) Albums are not decorated with design. 1 page 1 pic with effects added for some pages... that's it...
For example, asked one company, package as below
Ma Wan + Pak Lai Wan
HKD 7,988 (less 1,000 today for expo discount) = HKD 6,988
took around 80 pcs but the CS said of coz not... up to 200 pcs...
19 pics
1 x 6" x 6" album
1 x 8" x 10" pic
1 x 10" x 12" pic
1 x 10" x 14" album
1 x 20' x 24" pic
1 wedding gown (studio)
1 wedding gown (outdoor)
2 suits for men
make up x 1 time
* accessories all included
* transportation not included
took 8 hrs... if decide to take night scene, shooting progress will start later. If no night scene, will start earlier... ha!??! ng hai gwa....
after hearing this and look at the album... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... we both like mines better!!! hahahha
ok... then tasted wines, checked out wedding + evening gowns, wedding rings, body check, saw some cat-walk........ hahahahahha so tired............ we walked till the expo finished!! my god... hahahahahhaha supposed just plan to take a look and walk... hahahahah oh well..... yeah!! more tasks completed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things confirmed:
- Wedding + Evening gowns rental
- Wedding rings
tomorrow will need to go to Cite du Louvre to book our pre-wedding pics for next year! hehehhehe