Tadaaa~~~ Here's are our pre-wedding photo @ Francestar
Too keep it secret, I upload the best ones we WILL NOT publish in our albums~ So, it's raw files = not yet edited!!! hahaha
(We bought 116 pcs in which 96 pcs will put in the albums)
2. Lava Rock + Ocean / Purple evening gown
Adventure 1 - It's on our way to the Club house... Tsui Sir spotted this place so there we go! kekeke New place, new scene~
3. Club House / Another white wedding grown
I like this scene and this set a lot!!! and this the reason why I choose Francestar~ hehehe
4. Stream / Black & White short dress
Adventure 2 - This is a undeveloped place! We needed to slide down the hill~ omg... Again, not many ppl been here before... GOOD! ahhaha for special us only~
5. Ferris Wheel - Night View @ Taipei / Pink evening gown