friday was el's bday. went to Misto for dinner and wildfire for a drink. theme: bowtie~~ backed home around 2:00am. zzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
yesterday woke up at around 11:00am and ate lunch at "WING SIK GAAI PA" in north point, my "Tarn Siu Gaai Pa" Udon was really really good!! then went hiking with betty and her bf in DAI TAM (From Quarry Bay to Tai Tarm). weather was nice and we hiked for 2+ hrs... after that headed back to wan chai CDC to have afternoon tea and went to sing king with colleagues + PO JING Alan's friend... backed home around 3:30am.. zZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
today woke up at 11:00am. drank tea with toby and visited grandma and went to cemetery to baai grandpa + dai goo ma... after that went to hobee's friend's house in TKO for a short gathering...
...............zZzzZzzzzzz + yawning................