This website shouldn't published now coz it's still under construction!!!
Reason I plan to post it up beginning of next year...
1) Too early to post up now.
2) Wait until we get back our wedding pics!
3) The website will complete by then. hopefully...
Since hobee already put the link in his FB, I need to post it up as well coz my friends will kill me for sure (ie. why am i not the first one to know!??!! etc etc) Geeeze, I know my baby wants to spread and share our good news as quick as possible... such a hurry type of person! wahahahhahaha
I hope this will be a good place to record and note down our memories and progress of our dream wedding so that years after, when we look back at our website, we will recall our happiest and sweetest moments on our big day... hehehe
Please leave a comment when you have time~ woHOhohoho