Oct 6, 2009


Departed Van @ 3:05pm so we needed to go to airport around 1:00pm.  Drank tea with grandma, billy, and toby then went back home to pull out the lugguages (4 lugguages + 2 hand carries similar to 2 luggages! = 6 heavy luggages!!!  omggg)  huge line up while checked in too and we're standing rite behind those curry smell ppl!!!  sigh...  smell bad although i like curry but not indian curry man....  had a drink with parents before leaving....  take care papaya and mamalim...  hehehe  i will see u guys soon!!


took around 13 hrs to come back...  couldn't sleep coz there's a baby and a noisy child on board and experience turbulence!!  gosh..  沉思


arrived HK at 7:50pm...  left airport at around 8:50pm...  took a long time to wait for our baggages to come out...  soOOo tired when we got home, didn't even wanna unpack our luggages...  headache...  kekekkeke  and we both end up slept like a pig.............

    創作者 杏仁媽咪 的頭像


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