it's really pissed me off when hearing "I dunno", "I dunno how", "I dunno", and "I dunno" when you're supposed to frigging KNOW!! GO LEARN IT DUMB ASS!!! geeze
I was about to issue invoice using this stupid system which links to malaysia server... since it links back to malaysia server, i cannot save, download and/or print the invoice in that system directly and need to export to my computer... then it got disconnected in the middle of processing and i couldn't find the path i wanna save that damn invoice!!! gosh... so I need to contact the lady in Malaysia for help (ps. i always need to ask her for help becoz the one in HK, i name her as B, who should know always said she doesn't know!!!!) But then i couldn't reach that lady for the whole day today.......... so i TRIED to see if B knows... she said "i dunno!!!!!!!!!" @#$%^&*((*&^%$##$%^ ME REALLY FOR DOU LEI MAI... HOLY SHIT... so I WAS STUCKED IN THE MIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! no output... i mean if i keep input and there's problems for output, it will just increase my workload for the redo plus it may crash the stupid system!! this stupid system knows only 1+1=2, simple mind, sucks!!!!!!!!!
IDIOT!!! if there's "n" invoices to issue and i am stucked rite on the first invoice then the rest i can't issue... and stuck JUST LIKE NOW.. what the hell... then i can stop working for a day!!! so annoying that i always need to contact the lady in malaysia everytime i experience problems, i feel embrass... u know... sigh...
There's one time that lady said "You may ask B, she should know" then i called B and she said "I donno!" and i was like WTF.. okay.... i needa calm coz it's URGENT.. the more rush i feel, the more mistakes happen!!! so i told that lady that B said she doesn't know... and that lady helped me again..
i am really pissed and mad and i hate hearing "i donno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" stop saying this helpless sentence like you're innocent!!!!! omg..... 
