............................................................................................................ at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how many times do i need to complain u in my blog... shit... i dun wanna screw up my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one last time............................................................
1) i'm NOT ur assistant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) u're giving me more work load while u trying to ACT like u're f*cking busy... $%^&*()_
3) stop passing the BALLS to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i heard from u is "almond.. almOND... ALMOND!!!" not only me but others heard that too!!!
4) next time, pls tell me earlier BEFORE I ACTUALLY COMPLETE MY PART coz i actually give that SHIT to u before!!
5) u're in dept of LOGISTIC... do u know da definition and da role for L-O-G-I-S-T-I-C?????????????????????????????
6) stop calling me to "ALMOND, did u read the email?" when I DO NOT EVEN TURN ON MY COMPUTER YET / when I DO NOT CHECK NEW EMAILS IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY POP UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give me some times to digest... coz i have other works to do!!!
