it's pretty amazing that i can actually find back majority of my st clarian's classmates in facebook!!!  hahahha

tho i can hardly remember their faces, i can still recall some of the names...  hahahha  special thx velda for da name list...  if not, i won't recall and have a chance to contact them for da rest of my life...


joined da gathering with a few of them on dec 7, 08 @ hot point in cwb...  i was soooo nervous coz it's been a long time i didn't see them...  like 1x yrs............  unexpectedly that all of them remembered me by my chinese name!!  hahahahha  so talked about the old days in st. clares...  mmmm  i really can't remember my teachers but they do!!  once again proof that my brain is full of grass...  hahahahha  but so memorable ne...  and took some pics...  hahahaha


look forward to our next gathering!! 


capture:  Standard standing position in school (by last name)...   posture excluded!!  hahaha

    創作者 杏仁媽咪 的頭像


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