omg.. lack of zz for straight 2 days...
went clubbing da day before... went to bed around 5am and woke up at 11:30am in the morning... hahahaha with a bit headache......... geeeze was so tired for da whole day... kept yawning..... hahahahha
yesterday had lunch @ spaghetti house then watched hancock!!! awwwwwwwwwwwww it's sooo funny that i couldn't stop laughing yet a bit touchy @ the end... a bit tears obviously... will smith is so cute!!!!! omgggggggggggggggg hahahaha oh well suen la... i cried for every movies even it's a commedy... HAHAHAHA.. then ate dinner at Flower Trumph in TST with hobee's friend... received a call from chick near end of da dinner asking if we were free for MJ... stupid hobee was so excited which he waited for a long time laaa... then went to wendy's house after we met them coz they were around TST...
ahahhaha played 4 rounds MJ then played Rummikub - a numeric brain activity game- sigh... i hate numbers and hate using my brain to think!!! i dun use my brain often thus my brain is not for thinking but growing grasses!!! hahahaha suddenly giving a hard time and pressure for my brain @ midnite while i was super zzzzzzzzzzzzz... sorry my lovely brain.. hahaha left wendy's house around 4am... went to bed around 5am... again... hahahahah
while we begain to play mj, was thinking about how to calculate the "FAN". since the rest lost the "FAN" sheet, hobee used his own set of rules... HAHAHHAHA 5 fans for $128 and chick said divided by 10! which means 5 fans for $12.8. hobee was shocked... so did i... hahahah coz really small... BUT I LUV IT!! HAHAHAHHA... we won $20 instead of $200!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
today woke up at 11:15am coz i had to drink tea with my grandma.... all i wanna do is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...................................................................