May 4, 2008
chose pix from 10-1:30pm (approx. each for an hr) which wasn't enough for us ... omg.. HAHAHA..
da funnies part was when we went there, the lady served us on fri asked "r u guys coming for photo shooting?" HAHAHAH then i gave her da receipts telling that we came to choose pix... and she + da stylist were shocked!!! !I#$^&*( hahahahha they said "ahhh.. zhenme nimen dou bu tong le..." coz we put our glasses on and wore super causual and no make up... that's BEFORE AND AFTER!!! hahahah great....
then rushed to ximen coz lu got some souvenir to buy... guess what?!?! we ate "chung jaw beng" and "mango+strawberry ice / 8 bo bing" with limited time!!! hahahhaha... the purpose of this trip = eat instead of photo shooting -____- HAHAHHAHA..
then rushed back home and grabbed our luggage and said good bye to tw... :><:
awwwwwwwwwwww lu's uncle, aunt, and cousin are super super super nice... and i miss their doggy... so cute!!! hehehe
really played 5 full days... whohohoho...
good that i didn't gain weight.. -___-lll
really enjoyed da times we had girls... we had so much fun in this trip...~~~ whohoho
ps. food r really really good... i luv bbtea in tw!!! as good as da ones in van!!! awww da ones in hk sux... sigh...