went to drink afternoon tea with grandparents

then refund some stuffs at ikea

then joint lulu and hen in time square and ate a bit before we headed to play baddy

then went to play baddy from 7-9pm


games for today:

game 1: me and joe vs lulu and hen --> lulu and hen team won

game 2: me and joe vs lulu and hen --> me and joe team won

game 3: me and lulu vs hen and joe --> me and lulu team won

game 4: me and hen vs joe and lulu --> me and hen team won


not so tired actually...  ahhaha  didn't sweat alot and didn't wanna move after 4 battles...  my legs just sticked to da floor...  ORZ

anyways good game and fun nite...  hehe


after that...  we went to eat fish ball noodle...  chatted abit...  talked about some investment and savings...  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  ThinkingThinkingThinking  fat $ horn...

    創作者 杏仁媽咪 的頭像


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