wow bumped into ah Man and henry in MTR (from CWB to TST) tonite!!!
so funny... as we arrived TST and walked by the exit, i saw a "fei yeah" similar to henry walked towards us... then as he walked closer.... he's really henry!!! what an conincident that he's the only human being in that hallway so i payed 100% attention to this "fei yeah" and recgonized him rite away... hahaha then we chatted abit...

we ate at The Swiss Chalet to pre-celebrate Valentine's day... pretty expesnsive but so so only...
we ordered:
- Caesar Salad: it's really good... i luv the sauce :p
- meat ball cheese fondue served with bread: seems like chicken ball to me yet similar to da western style chicken sausage with a sour taste... dun really like it... da bread was yum yum with cheese or with butter or with nth and the cheese was good with a lil wine!!
- Swiss veal with mushroom cream sause served with hashbrown: i luv hashbrown but the beef was so so only coz it tasted like pork
- half apple juice and half apple cider: shud be no alcoholic but i tasted some wine... but it tased gooood but too full to finish it up...
- lemonade: ask hobee -____-
i wonder if beef = pork in swiss... hahaha
da food served pretty s-l-o-w-l-y so we chatted chatted and chatted alot... hehehe