had a weird dream last time...
someone wanna stole my jum jum!!!!! 

i didn't know y i brought it out wif me... anyways i was holding my jum jum walking on da street...
den there's a middle age fat jerk wif those shopping cart... wif glasses... kinda looked like "wong jing" but a bit thinner (DANG I STILL REMEMBERED HOW HE LOOKED AFTA I WOKE UP!! U CAN SEE HOW I HATE THIS FREAK!!!!!!!!!!)
he tailgated me wif his stupid shopping cart n wanna bumped me
den i turned around n asked "y did u tailgate me?"
he said "no i didn't.... i just want ur jum jum"
wt... the funniest thing was he's so closed to me but never hit my leg... hahahha
so i ran ran ran (in parker?!) supposed i was on da street... mmmmm... somehow i ran into cell city... HAHAHHA SHIT..
i hide in dere n told my mom...
my mom stepped out n talked to him
suddenly they shaked hand...?!?!?!??! (kinda like greetingz... geeeeeeeeze)
so this jerk left..
my mom told me "gosh, ignored this jerk, he's crazy"
wakakkakaka den i woke up
---the end---