::-ve thinker:: y da hack i alwayz think so -ve rite frum da beginning? i never think of +ve sidez... da reason is that hoping too much will cause more disappointments... that's y i always think so -ve so when da result comes out to b a bit better than what i think, i won't hurt too much... yeah that's my theory i guess...
::lack of confidence:: i never certain/believe myself in some perspectives and i get influenced by other ppl so easily... just like... ummmmm i use to double check.. oh no.. triple check my work. always freak out in case i do sth wrong. back into school days when me and my classmates checked answers and figured out our answers r different, i always believed their ans r correct... y was that? sigh... never think what i do is right which is not good...
::self abasement:: i hate when someone comparez me with another... sigh... why have to compare??? but then i always compare me with otherz... shit... that's a contradiction but then i dunno why i act like this... just like personalities, weight, appearance, etc... tho they said they dun mind, but i do mind and care and think i'm not good enuff...
::no opinion:: i dun always speak out my mind n i like to store it in my mind... those who know me well whenever they ask me where u wanna go what do u wanna eat what do u wanna do??? my replies r.. i donno, u chooses, whatsoever which i know gonna piss otherz off... sometimes they force me to think but... end up they make the decision for me... ahhahah the reason is that i scare otherz may not like/agree my ideas so i just follow what they like... i hate it too when my friend actz like that.... hahhaha it's like both of coz saying "donno.. doesn't matter..." haha damnit... i'm going out with myself!!! whahahha
::stubborn:: never hear other's advicez, suggestions, idea, i just do it in my way! is that a good thing?? i believe in 1+2+3=6 while others believes in 3+2+1=6 or 2+3+1=6 or whatsoever n they r the same thing... probably their ways r much easier but i just believe 1+2+3=6... what is this? shit i just wanna change but i can hardly do it... sometimes i have my ans in my mind but still i wanna hear others' ideas yet ending up choosing my original choice then what's da point of asking others?? dang i dunno... my family n my friends say i am really stubborn just like a cow! i think so too!! sigh... i just like following my own rulez...
sigh~ da above r my evaluations of myself...
any good thingz?? NO.. ABSOLUTELY NO!!!
even i couldn't stand myself... i'm not good at all... T___________T