Finally 14 days of quarantine is over...
first thing of course is to GO OUT! Breath some FRESH AIRRRR
immediately went to ICBC Richmond to renew my driver license which expired in Jun 2018.
before that i registered MSP online for myself and the family and screen shot it just for reference.
Request for: BC driver license / ask if I have HK driver license / address proof / Canadian Certificate
I only surrender my HK driver license and she didn't request for everything (ie TD320)
then had vision test + photo shooting + pay $75 CAD renewal fee and done!!
gave me an interim driver license and THEN I CAN DRIVE!! YEAH!!
首先要考Knowledge Test
同我讀熟佢!!! then update me!! XD
首先要多謝my papa車我地...
飲好茶去睇車~ ideally: Toyota/Mazda/Honda
- 首先睇車款
- Try out models
- Lease or Buy
- Credit Check >> either ok or not ok
- if credit check approve then can lease (of course my credit check is not ok as I just return, so will require my daddy as co-signer and of course approve!)
- if credit check not approve then will refund credit check and will pay once off
- Signing Agreement
- Insurance + car plate picking...
- Pay
- Pick up car
spend almost 6 hours at Mazda......
辛苦了my papa and my kids...
續車牌 + 買車!!!
mission completed!!!