天氣: 5月天氣仍然清涼, 但好好天, 好好太陽 (要穿長袖/薄jacket)
住宿: May 12 - May 16 staying at my best friend's place.. thanks her sooo much for saving my cost
May 17 - May 22 staying at airbnb which my friend's rental... thanks for letting us stay at the master bedroom!!
租車: Hertz (can pick up and return @ YVR aiport) / 價錢比想像中便宜... addition租2架car seat @ cdn 91, all insurance included. (最後只需比CDN6XX, 原價CDN8XX) / 租&還都方便... 唔使等太耐...
其實唔需要租gps... 有google map就ok!!! 我全個trip靠佢... 正!!!
May 12, 2017 - beautiful bc here we come!
Getting excited!!! (nightmare begannnnn)
i chose mid night flight so that the kids can sleep...
因為藍妹兩歲, 有座位...
零晨機... 藍妹已經好眼訓.... 預備上機時想訓...
但係起飛時一定要fasten seat belt + 坐定定which is mission impossible!!!
最後要求空姐比條bb seatbelt 我...
但藍妹好抗拒條seat belt...
藍妹喊到七彩... 難理世俗人既眼光... 無辦法.... 小朋友係咁...
Finally arrived after 13 hours flight!!
依家入加拿大境用電腦填入境紙, 方便好多... 有工作人員assist....
洗完白白... 精靈晒
May 13, 2017 - Terra Nova Rura > Richmond Centre > Pho Viet > Home
Terra Nova Adventure Park..
以前係到住都唔知有咁多park... hahahha of course... 當時無小朋友嘛!!!
哥哥玩左5次... 好開心
auntie 養的貓: hashley...
重有一隻貓叫minnie / 一隻狗叫brandy
以前住過的屋... 好懷念
pho viet... 每次返黎一定要食...
飯後果, 多謝auntie