bought ABC magnets from Toysrus at HKD 69 after discount...
Total 72 pcs
A-Z (26)
a-Z (36)
0-9 (10)
一仔係Toysrus玩到唔捨得走... 係咁stick stick stick...
i asked avan: do you want?
avan: raise hand and said "yiu" hahahahahhaha
ended up i bought it~
tried it at home and sticked onto the fridge...
he eventually hum the ABC songs while sticking the magnets onto the fridge!! hahahah very cute..
he recognizes and say B, O, T, X, E, Y, V
i am very impressed...
he also know red and blue all of a sudden....
he showed me the red ball and said "red", showed me the blue ball and said "blue"!!
i am very very very impressed!!
佢地都會慢慢摸索到... 學習到...
可能會遲d... but this is the learning process...
i hope avan can learn while enjoying....
有時候見到moon... 我會同avan講moon...
佢好快就識講moon.... 然後我話twinkle twinkle little stars... avan會望向天...
我覺得係playgroup avan都學到好多+manner...
係屋企玩完會自動自覺一路唱clean up songs, 一路bye bye toys...
bye bye bottles, wait and count 1-10...
識mat mat...
我唔係天才, 唔希望亦唔奢望avan係...
屋企人會講: 今日係公園, 有個小朋友細過avan... 識a-z... so what??? i don't care
人比人, 比死人...
Avan 就快開學... 有慢慢長路佢讀...
why not enjoying the moment before school??
be a happy baby!
that's what i wanna say...