Last week absent because we're in Taiwan~~
Topic of the day: Red
* Warm up + Bye bye toys
Avan is helping to PUSH the toys~ ahhaha
* Hello Song: yeah!! he made it again!! hahaha
* What's the weather like today + Calendar
* Where is Avan? He will listen for his name now... receive and push the ball back to Ms Carmen~
* Story Time - What is the rab(RED)bit wearing?
Ms Carman will tell the story...
wearing red shirt, red pants, red socks, red shoes, red hat... and ask students to raise their hand if they know how to put it on Tommy "the toy"...
Avan raised up his hand for wearing pants but he ran away... hahaha
too shy to wear pants for Tommy? wahhahhaa
* Listening to instructions, find red cups, red flowers, red balls in a bucket full of different colors and give it to Ms Carman~
Avan is still learning..... and need our guidance....
* Exercise time:
1) grab a paper-wrap ball, put it on tray, use both hand to hold the tray, and deliver/drop it to another tray... doing quite well in the beginning but.... out of control at the end... @.@
2) repeat the above but doing with classmate - simply they are too young to know what's team work...
* Snack time
* Playing playdol~
roll it... cut it.. and use stick to string up the playdol....
Avan need our help to roll...
let him cut... but he treat it as a fork instead...
he can string up the pieces of playdol
* Good bye song + Bubble time