

planning to take my fujifilm digital camera which my hubby got for me N years ago for our trips....  

it is light... simple to use... and most important is "all gonna be about avan!!"  hahahahha


coz if i just bring my iphone, i think the memory will be full very fast and cannot take any photos for the remaining of the trip and i will regret for the rest of my life...


so i digged my camera + a spare battery and plan to charge it the day before our trip...


then one day my hubby took my camera and played for a while... then said.. "don't use this la... use my GF1 la..."

i am like............  "ha?????????????????????? so complicated?????????? need to change from raw to JPG and need to do all the settings every pics and sooooooooooooo heavy?"

he said "no need, it will be in jpg and quality is much better!"

i said "you bought me this N years ago and said it's good!!"

he said "coz i didn't know about camera back then... now i do!"

i insisted "noo... i think my camera works fine and simple is good enough... and it's light!"

he said "no... can't take when avan's moving... your camera can't take active pics!"

.............................. Orz



ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what should i do????????????


ok i will try to take some pics tonight and test...  hahaha



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